I am vulnerable and strong.
For I have consciously walked away from everything I once was, including credentials that I extensively trained to earn, as they are no longer aligned with the Essence of my Soul.
And walking into the deep, dark unknown is terrifying, yet it is exhilarating, too.
As I now get to introduce you to who I really am, not the psychotherapist, nor the academic, but rather the free-Spirit that led me to pursue those paths so that I would ultimately find my way Home. In doing so, I cultivated the foundational knowledge, accompanied by profound lived-experience to create an organic, multi-disciplinary healing practice, which unifies the many paths I have taken throughout this Lifetime.
Through the grace of Spirit, I returned from systemic organ failure of the lungs, liver and kidneys, which resulted in a comatose state. During this time, I had a life-altering near-death experience. Afterward, I struggled for nearly a decade to re-integrate with my body, accept and nurture my intuitive gifts, therein reclaiming my personal Power, as I intimately experienced the recurrent highs and lows of genuine self-healing from trauma-induced dis-ease. I am beyond blessed to have known both the joys of spontaneous remission and the sorrows of dis-ease returning. Throughout this sacred journey, I dismantled all that I was to re-become all that I truly am.
I AM mind, I AM body, I AM Spirit, I AM emotion
I AM Light, I AM dark
I AM a healer, I AM healed, I AM healing
I AM a survivor, I AM resilience, I AM strength
I AM empathy, I AM boundaries
I AM learned, I AM learning
I AM questions, I AM answers
I AM intuition, I AM science
I AM human, I AM Source
I AM mother, I AM child
I AM imperfect, I AM perfect
I AM whole, I AM holy
I AM, and you ARE, too
To those with whom these words resonate, I invite you to thoroughly explore the gift of this precious, yet perilous, incarnation. For there is no guru, lineage, practice, teacher, master, technique, therapy, medicine or modality that will authentically heal you, but you.
I am the guide, you are the expert.
I am wondrously grateful that you are here, now.
Please allow me to humbly reintroduce you, to you. For you are so much more than what this finite world tells you that you are.
You are infinite
You are Divine
You are Loved unconditionally
You are here now for a profound reason
I am honored to show you how to reclaim this awareness, so you may heal yourself, too.
To insure the sacred integrity and safety of the work, services must be booked directly through Brooke. Session payments are required at the time of scheduling and are non-refundable. However, if you reschedule, or Brooke must due to illness and/or emergency, then they may be fully credited to a future date within 12- months of the originally determined service. Please be certain you are wholeheartedly committed to the work prior to scheduling as no exceptions shall be granted.